Spring 2011

Spring 2011
This is a picture of my family and I in the Spring 2011.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Been a while since I updates

Time sure does fly by.

Since my last post back in January, I have lost a pant size. Woot Woot, no weight just a pants size.

I have been dealing with my girls doctor appointments and all kinds of life things, trying to keep afloat in school so that I can pass and finish this chapter of my life. Been trying to get this business off the ground and running, which is starting to pick up some pace. Thank you God.

So I haven't made it to the gym much, I really need to get back going since I am paying for it. This summer when the kids are at home we will be able to make more use out of this and once I get going with it this summer than I will be able to have a momentum and will be able to do it when they are back in school.

Just gotta get my scheduled to go figured out.